2023 Fee Breakdown

The 2023 player fee for the minis program is $95.  This $95 fee breaks down roughly like this:


  1. $33.5 per player to PEI Soccer (for insurance, Soccer Canada fees, etc)
  2. $350 per club to PEI Soccer
  3. $15 player shirt
  4. $7 player medal
  5. $7 equipment replacement (soccer balls, nets, pinnies, etc)
  6. $20 field maintenance (mostly line paint, plus reseeding and rolling as possible)
  7. $5 coach equipment (shirts, whistles, etc)
  8. $5 field rental (paid to Rural Municipality of North Shore)

The minis program runs 10 weeks at two practices per week, for a cost of $4.75/practice.

The minis fee to PEI Soccer breaks down like this:

The youth fees are $30 higher due to having to pay for team registration ($100), referees ($25/referee/game), linesmen ($15/linesman/game) and tournaments.  For U9 the referees are volunteers, so no extra fees.

The club reviews fees and discusses paid positions each year.  So far we have always voted not to pay coaches except for some reimbursement for player registration fees.  The reason is that the cost for one paid coach per group would be an additional $30/player, and that's paying only minimum wage and only for practices not games.

The calculation for how much it would cost to pay coaches is as follows:

  1. $15 / h  x  1h / practice  x  20 practices / season = $300 / coach
  2. 1 coach per group at $300 / 10 players per group = $30 / player
  3. Including games the cost goes up by $10 to $15 to $45 / player
  4. For U11 the cost is higher than #3 by approx $15 per player due to a longer season (May - August), so $60 / player
  5. For U13 and up the cost higher than #4 by approx $10 due to a longer season (May - Sept, depending on performance in the playoffs), so $70 / player

The club executive has so far decided that increasing registration fees by $30 - $70, which would only pay the coach minimum wage, is not feasible.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 13, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

2025 AGM
Stanhope Place, Library East Room
2025 North Shore Sharks Soccer Club Annual General Meeting

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